Tag Archives: i love eggs

Intermittent Fasting

After a big breakfast yesterday I was left feeling satiated for the rest of the day. I was so satisfied I decided to I.F. (intermittent fast) lunch and dinner. I had a dinner already prepared and was not going to force a fast if I was hungry but come 7:30pm I was still feeling great! I guess that’s the power of filling up and fueling the body on quality saturated fats and training the body to access the stored fat for fuel too.

This morning I left home at 4:30am and at 7:00am I finally stopped to eat. Not in a ‘I’m famished feed me now’ way, but in a lets eat something yummy way 🙂

What did I have? 2 delicious hard boiled eggs cooked in my thermos while I worked (see earlier post).

The organic grass fed eggs were delicious and left me singing a song that can easily get stuck in your head. A song which is a great mantra for the LCHF community…. I LOVE EGGS!!! Check it out 🙂


Want to know more about Intermittent Fasting? Listen to Episode 596 of the Jimmy Moore – Livin’ La Vida Low-Carb Show featuring Brad Pilon